Smart fishing gear, scientific publications and training new researchers are just a few of the achievements of the Centre for Research-based Innovation in Sustainable fish capture and Pre-processing technology (CRISP).
In this seventh CRISP year, the process of developing new knowledge, new fishing gears and instruments for the fishing fleet as important tools for making the trawl and purse seine fisheries more sustainable has continued. These achievements have only been possible because of extensive cooperation between the centre’s industry partners and research institutes.
Christian Michelsen Research has integrated support for Deep Vision images in their acoustic interpretation software LSSS. See video of the new functionality in use on a recent cruise conducted by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR), Norway.
In this sixth CRISP year the process of developing new knowledge, new fishing gears and instruments for the fishing fleet as important tools for making the trawl and purse seine fisheries more sustainable has continued. These achievements have only been possible because of extensive cooperation between the centre’s industry partners and research institutes.
Manager Aud Vold presented the CRISP project at this year’s Ny-Ålesund symposium which aimed to highlight the ocean as an important source of food, fossil and renewable energy and a rich source of genetic resources, provided a sustainable approach to the oceans.
Large scale surveys for cetaceans: Line transect assumptions, reliability of abundance estimates and improving survey efficiency - A response to MacLeod.
Hammond, Philip S.; Gillespie, Douglas; Lovell, Phil; Samarra, Filipa; Swift, René; Macleod, Kelly; Tasker, Mark L; Berggren, Per; Borchers, David L.; Burt, Louise et al.. 2014, Biological Conservation.