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The three first Argo floats in NorArgo2 were deployed on a cruise with R/V Johan Hjort during 21st May – 4th June.

The three first Argo floats deployed

The three first Argo floats in NorArgo2 were deployed on a cruise with R/V Johan Hjort during 21st May – 4th June. Two of the floats were deployed in the Greenland Sea while the third was deployed in the Lofoten Basin (Norwegian Sea). 

The floats are core Argo floats and will measure pressure, temperature and salinity in the upper 2000 m every tenth day. Next deployment is scheduled in June on a cruise with R/V Kristine Bonnevie where a core Argo float will be deployed north of Svalbard. Later, in November, floats with biogeochemical sensors will be deployed in the Norwegian Sea.

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