WP1: SI management, coordination and synthesis
WP 1 will coordinate and manage the SI. It will be responsible for the communication between the WPs by arranging meetings, workshops and symposia to summarize, discuss, present, and publish old and new knowledge on main aspects represented by the SI.
WP 1: SI management, coordination and synthesis
SI leader (WP leader): Hein Rune Skjoldal
WP co-leader: Elena Eriksen
SI economist: Turid Loddengård
SI secretary/co-lead: will be appointed
Literature studies and review of knowledge about trophic structure and functioning of the Barents Sea ecosystem is crucial for SI implementation and deliverances. Therefore, the first task in the SI will be to conduct an extensive literature review to generate an overview of knowledge and define specific knowledge gaps. This activity will involve personnel from all the other work packages.
Synthesis of results will be an important activity and output from WP1. We aim to synthesize results annually and contribute to the ecosystem overviews and status assessments at IMR in collaboration with PINRO and other partners. There is an initiative to establish an ICES WG for Integrated Assessment of the Barents Sea (WGIBAR) in 2014 and this will then be a major forum for presentation and use of results from the SI. WP1 will be the place where results are synthesised across other WPs, such as making overall budgets and considerations of trophic structure and carrying capacity under different climatic conditions.
Specific tasks:
- Prepare literature reviews of feeding behaviour and trophic ecology in the Barents Sea ecosystem.
- Produce a conceptual model for the Barents Sea ecosystem, including the main mechanisms that generate fluctuations and change in the ecosystem.
- Assemble and synthesise results from other WPs to provide quantitative descriptions of trophic interactions and budgets of trophic structure and energy flow in the Barents Sea ecosystem
- Contribute to integrated ecosystem assessments as a basis for effective implementation of the ecosystem approach to management.
- Contribute to the development of methodology for conducting IEA in ICES.